Monday, July 26, 2010


After two days and 500 miles across Idaho....(which I have to say, if I never saw again, I wouldn't miss it for a moment)....we've decided to edit the plan and go north. Originally we were on our way up the Oregon coast, but we decided that route would take too much hard travelling. When we see the coast we'd like to take our time.

So, we're heading up to New Denver to visit with Aunt and Uncle for a few days then heading home Friday.

(Seriously, 500 miles of nothing....I don't even really have pictures to post, except pictures of some place called Craters of the Moon, National Monument...go ahead, google it...and when you do...imagine, THAT was the highlight of 2 days).

No wireless tomorrow in New Denver, so that's it for this trip, see you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Well thanks for another wonderful adventure. We enjoyed travelling with you. (without the numb bum.)
    Have fun up north and as always, ride safe.
