Monday, July 19, 2010

Lolo Pass from Idaho to Montana

You know its gonna be a good day when you come across this sign at 8am..."Winding Road Next 99 Miles"! This is the beginning of Lolo pass road, which took us nearly 3 hours...imost of it winds slowly with big sweeping curves, alongside a beautiful river..

Near the Lolo Summit you enter alpine and start crawling up the hill. I took most of these pictures while we were moving today....some worked well, as these below and others didn't. Good photography advice...doing 60 miles an hour in sweeping turns doesn't make for focused matter how bloody good your camera is!

The Lolo Summit is also the state line between Idaho and Montana...where magically, 1pm becomes 2pm...just like that!

We're off to the really cool stuff tomorrow as we head a little north of Missoula and onto a smaller town at the entrance of the Rocky Mountains...its supposed to be amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know Missoula is hosting the Montana HOG (Harley Owners Group) rally from Jul 24 to 26? They are expecting 300+ from Canada and USA! You can admit it..that is they reason you planned the trip as you did! It's your biggest dream - to own a Harley - ha ha ha. Happy and safe travels...Love Deb and Reid!!
