Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Plan (...and that's about all it is at this point!)

We have prepared as much as we can, for approximate 5,000 kms on our butts. We have new custom sculpted seats, sheepskin covers, ''special" seamless undergarmets...all of which may mean absolutely nothing after day 3! We leave Saturday July 17th (pic above from Summit Lake in Monashee Mountains BC)

The plan is to follow a route through Osoyoos into the States, down through Idaho, Montana and into Wyoming to see Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. If, at this point, we can still sit down and haven't sold the bike to buy airplane tickets home....we will continue back west to the Oregon Coast crawling the coast line to Cloverdale.

We expect wireless along the, stay tuned for what promises to be some amazing landscape pics over the next two weeks!

1 comment:

  1. You guys will see some scenery that inspired the invention of cameras. Have fun, stop lots & keep cool! I'm fitting the passenger pegs on the dirtbike today, keep your eyes on the rearview, you might see us LOL! -PaulnJo
