Friday, July 23, 2010

Yellowstone Day 2

Left West Yellowstone early this morning and came across this little coyote guy running through the grass.

We were in the most active area of the geysers and hot springs. We decided to stop at this area called the Norris Geyser Basin...

More micro bacteria creating the coloured álgae' on the rocks. Apparently different colours denote different temperatures as different bacteria thrive in different temps.

We walked around a few springs to go see the prismatic'll see in the steam below that it has different colours like a prism. This isn't caused by the sun, but by reflections of the water and multicoloured algae below the steam....these shots just got better and better as we walked around this pool.

The one above and below are my two favourite shots...they look amazing in full size! I have 4 or 5 more that are just incredible...

Okay, you've been very patient....what you've all been waiting for is coming up...below is the Yellowstone Lodge (poor pic sorry) but its essentially a large log building very nice inside.

And if you stand on the patio and look out from the lodge here's what you see, look familiar? It steams off every 90 mins, so if you don't time it have to wait around. You can see...a few people waited around! At least the tourist's presence in these pics give you a perspective on how high Old Faithful blows.

Back on the road heading south out of the park on the way to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. First this is Yellowstone Lake, a small piece of it. Its very big.

Can you see the two elk in this photo? One is above the other, both are female.

And here's daddy a few miles down the road just off to the side...

Actually looked at me! While I'm sitting on the bike in the opposite lane...hard to tell, but he actually has a couple of dandelion's hanging from his mouth. (Couldn't post that pic...technical difficulties)
Next post is Grand Teton Mountains...I'll add the deer there!

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