Tuesday, July 20, 2010

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - Montana!

This state is so beautiful, it has everything! We'd both love to come back and actually camp here. We left Missoula...heard 300+ Harley owners expected shortly, so had to leave town before we were beat up. There are river valleys, Large valleys and mountain passes...it's amazing...
Our first happy accident of the day was a missed turn on the GPS. We stopped in Lincoln Montana (below) and found an alternate route.

This is Fleshers Pass - our happy accident...no cars, only us...beautiful!

Stopped in a little town called Townsend for lunch, at the Mountie Moose Bakery...it smelled so good in there.

Back on the road and up into a huge valley between two mountain ranges....we were alone, playing who can spot the deer...score currently: Cath 64 Mike 2. These views and the road out in front of you for miles was just incredible. I think we may have passed 2 vehicles in 60 miles.
Happy Accident number 2 was a detour to Bozeman, which was a revision to our original itinerary...we took this run along the edge of Bridger Mountains...very few ranches and quite picturesque....once again, no traffic.

On the way down into Bozeman out of Bridger Mountains...

About 10 miles later we arrived in Bozeman....see next post!

1 comment:

  1. Montana sure looks awesome & it sounds like life on the road is agreeing with you two! Tough luck about the brew-pub scene, maybe head over to Colorado!

    Loving the pictures, keep 'em coming!

